
Oral Dosing Resources

Oral dosing with flexible feeding tubes is a foundational technique in small model research. If you're new to dosing, transitioning from rigid stainless to flexible feeding needles, or just looking for more training and education, we have compiled a library of resources from various scruffing techniques to the nuances of oral dosing with flexible tubes.

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Microsurgical Techniques in Rats and Mice Resources

Successful, patent vascular access and catheterizations require a skilled surgeon. We now offer protocols, training and education (virtually and in-person) programs for rodent microsurgery.

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Microsurgical Techniques in Rats and Mice

Posters and Presentations

We are proud of the many researchers and studies who have not only successfully proven their techniques and practices, but published their findings to help others in their own educational journey. Visit our resources library for posters, presentations, videos and more.

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Additional Resources

Videos, expanded blog posts, independent studies, usage manuals, product instructions for use–we're always expanding our library of resources designed to help you achieve your research goals.

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Online and In-person Training


Virtual Training

Online Training

  • Location: Online
  • Course duration: Three hours
  • Designed for individuals or small groups
  • All course content available online after the course for 60 days

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In-person Training

In-person Training

  • Location: In conjunction with conferences and events
  • Course duration: typically one to two days, depending on the event
  • Designed for small to medium sized groups
  • Included course content dependent on event

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